Sunday, September 5, 2010


Engagement Pics
So we got our engagement pics finished! The first time we went to
do our pictures, my mom fell and broke her ankle about five
minutes in, and we had to get her to the E.R., so that night was a
bust. Two weeks later we tried again, and we got the job done. It
was really fun getting ready and taking the pictures, and Mitch did a
really good job fixing up the pics for us.
Man do I have a hot almost-husband or what?! Love him :)


Sorry for not writing about our engagement sooner, but I'm not so good with blogging. Justin and I got engaged back on June 5th, and boy oh boy was it a surprise to me! I had actually planned the whole skydiving event as a surprise 30th birthday present for Justin. I got his sister Shannon to come out from Reno, and we surprised him with that the day before we took him skydiving. He knew something was going on, but he thought the surpise was over when he saw his sister Shannon was in town. After spending the morning with Shannon and her boyfriend out and about town, he started to get angry when I didn't drive home so he could get ready for work. When I pulled into the parking lot at the skydiving place, the anger went away, and excitement took hold :) He has always wanted to go skydiving, so he was pretty stoked he didn't have to go to work, and got to jump out of an airplane instead. Well....... unknown to me, Justin's mother and sister had hatched a little engagement plan, and they pulled Justin aside and asked him if he wanted to ask me to marry him that day. His mother had gotten the ring, and they made a bunch of posters that he could hold up at the landing strip when I came in for my landing after skydiving. He was totally excited about the idea, and that's how it went from a surprise birthday present for him, to a surprise engagement for me. We had a bunch of friends and family there for the skydiving, so it ended being doubly fun when they all got to be there for our engagement. Absolutely amazing day!
This was just after Justin and Kyle jumped and right before Shannon and I went up in the plane for our jump. Notice all our friends and family there!
Yep, we got the whole fam damily there, even my mom's dog.... Amazing feeling!!! Can't wait to go again! And while I was doing this, Justin was on the ground doing this....
That's my mom Dian, Justin's mom Sharon, Justin, and the best man Kyle.
This is what I saw when I came down to the landing strip.
Yes, I totally got proposed to in that goofy skydiving hat.
So that's our engagement story. It was perfect in every way.
We've got it on video too, and we are going to try and play that at the wedding.