Monday, August 20, 2012


Wow, have I really  not blogged since June? My bad :) I wish I could say it was because I was off on so many adventures.... but it's not. I'm just a procrastinator. So anywho.... the running has been going OK. I say OK because when I actually go, I am so freaking happy with myself. The problem is that I have been slacking. I am usually only doing a Tuesday and Saturday run now, although my distances have been going up so hopefully I will still be okay when the half marathon comes around.
The Kiss Me Dirty race was so fun! All of the girls in our group dressed up in black and pink and declared ourselves the Mud Bunnies, complete with pink bunny ears and a white bunny tail, although by the end that bunny tail was anything but white. Here's some pictures from the event:

So as you can see, we had a TON of fun in the mud! Despite the fact that I have been running some, I'm still kind of disappointed in myself for not keeping up with as strict of schedule as I could. I'm working on this, but it has been hard to get out of bed in the mornings, it just feels so good to sleep! I know that if I continue down this path though, it's going to be one difficult day on September 29th :-/  And to add to that, I start school next Monday, and I have a feeling that after work and school, I'm not going to have a lot left in me. I'll try though! I'll DIE trying >:-I

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